Thursday, December 09, 2010

Midweek Update!!!

Hey everyone!!!

Hope that your week has been amazing, just as any other week!!! Positive thinking is always good. :-)

So far this week has been rather non-eventful. I had classes Monday through today, with nothing exceptional happening. We did have some interesting lectures in my "Forest Environment and Conservation" class. We discussed worldwide biodiversity conservation efforts, including the European Red List of Endangered Species, the U.S. Endangered Species Act, and efforts in other countries. Today we covered invasive alien species and their negative effects on the integrity of global ecosystems and how difficult or impossible these introduced and invasive species can be to eradicate.

Finally, I would like to talk about the cold Swedish weather and short winter days again. In short, the combination of cold weather and short, dark days keeps me inside! I do go out during the day for classes, occasionally I go jogging or biking to the supermarket, but in general I tend to stay indoors alot. I think this is not just me. From what I can see, many people stay indoors during the cold Swedish winter months. I already look forward to springtime when it will (hopefully) be warm and the days much longer than now.

This weekend I plan to visit the Ice Bar in Stockholm. I will keep you guys up to date on what happens there. My next post will be on sports and other extra-curricular activities offered at SLU.

Until next time my friends! Keep up the positive (or negative, if necessary) comments. If you want me to write about something specific or have me answer any questions about SLU or Sweden, please feel free to ask!

Take care people!


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