Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Busy Past Few Weeks and Much Thinking....

Dear readers,

I hope that all is well with you and you are all enjoying your weeks. Today is hump day, the middle of the week, so not too much longer before the weekend is here.

My past week and a half has been pretty relaxed in terms of doing things here in Uppsala. I've mainly been working on my Master's Thesis. Things are going very well though. I did have a bit of a hard time getting used to the statistical program "R", but after many strong nerves and a few days of experimenting with the program I finally worked everything out and completed my statistical calculations. (I'm using "R", not "SAS" or "Minitab", etc. for my statistical analysis of my data).

My collaboration with my supervisors and professors has up until now and continues to be absolutely wonderful and very efficient.

Otherwise the winter in Uppsala seems to be approaching its end. FINALLY AND HECK YEAH!!!! Cool stuff! There IS and end to a Swedish winter, believe it or not! :-D The days have been getting longer and warmer and the sun is actually beginning to emit some heat. It's really nice to see the sun and feel it on my skin again.

Over the past few days, I've looked at my blog's statistics. The most people reading this blog are from Sweden and following that are people in the United States. Therefore I've decided to write a blog dedicated to my fellow American blog readers. In my next blogs I will describe what it's like to study here in Sweden, from an American perspective. I think I can pretty well spot and write about the differences between Sweden and the United States. I would like to share these thoughts with you, my fellow readers. So look for my next blog which I will publish over the next days.

Should you have any specific questions about studying in Sweden, please ask me your questions in the "comments" section. I will answer you the best I can.

Enjoy your days!


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