Saturday, June 11, 2011


Dear readers,

As usual I hope that everyone's having a great day and week and enjoying the warm and long summer days, depending on where you are on the planet. For the rest of you, I hope that you're enjoying some beautiful winter days if you come from the southern hemisphere.

All is well here. I'm so thrilled to be done with my master's. Here's some advice. Don't take forever and procrastinate while working on your master's. Get it done already! I don't think it makes sense to sit with an unfinished master's for a long time. Of course the work is challenging and it requires alot of time, energy and thinking, especially in the "discussion" section of your master's thesis. Despite this, you really only need to sit down and do it. Basically a master's is like a normal class research paper on steroids! :-D If you know what I mean. It's (just) a supersized research paper. It takes a while, but overall I think it's a manageable task if you work on it a little bit every day. I really recommend NOT to drag it out longer than you need to.

Now to the real point as to why I'm writing this blog. The weather here in Sweden is AMAZING!!! This whole past week it's been really nice and warm and dry. The temperatures are around +15°C during the night and around +23 - +25°C during the day. Of course if you're coming from a tropical country such as India or Bangladesh or Panama that temperature is not very warm. Remember though, you're in Sweden and located 60°N! So you take what you can get here! :-)

Bottom line the weather's great here. Really great to go camping and hanging out. Over the past days I've just been chilling and relaxing. Today I think I may do a BBQ later and possibly go camping at Lake Mälaren either this or next weekend.

So good stuff going on here during the summer in Uppsala!


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